Daniel's 70th Week and the Mystery of Christ

"Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and

opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me"

(Rev. 3:20).

Wouldn't it be great if you could open the door, invite Jesus into your

home, and ask Him when He's coming back? All the confusion about

the events surrounding Christ's return would vanish as He explains the

Scriptures to you. You would have your own "Emmaus Road journey."

Like the apostles and first-century disciples, you could say that He opened

the eyes of your understanding.

That's exactly what this series does by unfolding in an easy-to-follow

manner what God's Word shows us and what Jesus taught. Each of the

three books focuses on three critical end-time revelations that open the

door of our understanding surrounding the events of Christ's return. The

New Testament apostles received these keys from Jesus Himself. Over the

centuries, these revelations were lost or watered down, leaving us flustered

and even fearful. That's not God's will. It's time to let the Word speak for

itself with a message of comfort, hope, and victory.

This second book in the Emmaus Road journey walks you through one

of the most significant end-time prophecies in the Bible. You may be

surprised to find that it is all about Christ's first and second comings, not

the future Antichrist. Step by step, you'll see how this prophecy:

• accurately predicted when Jesus would first appear as the Messiah almost

five hundred years in advance,

• foreshadowed the restful end to the need for sacrificial offerings through

the death and resurrection of Jesus,

• and most importantly, predicts what Christ will accomplish when

He comes again.

--Jeffrey R. Horton

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