Left Cross Right Cross

Left Cross, Right Cross explores the early, teen, and adult life of Jesus as he grows up with childhood friends Cris and Daani. The author weaves these lives and families inexplicably together for eternity.

The three form an inseparable bond and kinship born of the ages. Ultimately, they separate as teens as the plan of heaven begins to unfold. Jesus retreats to the wilderness and defines his godly heritage and ultimate mission.

His friends stray from their traditions and teachings and find heartache, trouble, and strife in the dark Philistine city of Ashod. The providence of YHWH reunites the trio at the foot of Calvary's cross for an unforgettable day of human anguish and decision.


Couldn't put it down! Easy read. Fiction, but shows the true love of Jesus. Need to share this with anyone you love. What a blessing.

-Al and Linda Maus

This book was very moving and made Jesus's death more real to me. Anyone who believes should read this work.

-Maureen Pfaff

While fully divine, this book brings out Jesus's full humanity. Can't wait to read this author again.

-Elmerine Vest

I enjoyed this author's work! I was drawn to his use of sensory details and vivid imagery throughout!

-Diane Adams

G. Chip Greene has a very special gift for writing. No one knows what the early years of Jesus were really like; however, this is one great perspective!

-David K. Hicks

--G. Chip Greene

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