The Cross and the Godless

1979aEUR"Terror reigns in Nicaragua. The Sandinistas have seized power. Julian Mendero, leader of the Christian opposition, is arrested for stealing a national treasureaEUR"the Valdivieso Cross. But not before his son, Pedro, flees to the Sanctuary underground and begins an arduous journey to the US border.Months later, FBI Agent Steve Rodriguez enters the murky world of the border killings, a series of inexplicable murders. When evidence points to a foreign death squad he enlists the help of Carol Shannon, a Sanctuary activist searching for Pedro. But Carol is reluctant to help. Trauma of a recent sexual assault has left her fearful and suffering nightmares. Yet SteveaEUR(tm)s compassionaEUR"and CarolaEUR(tm)s commitment to end the killing and find PedroaEUR"gradually builds trust, while mutual attraction soon gives way to passionate desire. Mysteries unfold when Steve consults notorious ex-patriot Hector Rone. He learns RoneaEUR(tm)s lover, Claudia HaasaEUR"antiquities expert, thief, and femme du mondeaEUR"has joined two militant priests in their search for Pedro and the Valdivieso Cross. Tensions rise when Steve learns the death squad leader may be the father of CarolaEUR(tm)s unborn child. Time is short. Steve must find a way to stop the death squad, find Pedro and the precious Valdivieso Cross, and save the woman he loves from making a terrible mistake.

--Joseph Mauck

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