Essential Guide for Sistahs of Zion (EGSZ)

Spirituality is the human capacity to know YAH and experience YAH and the degree to which you reflect that knowledge and experience. To say you are spiritual and know that God is love, life, and light and when people encounter you and there is no love, life, and light, then how can you call yourself spiritual? No one but YAH can see what is in your heart, but we can judge the fruit of our tree.

We can teach about how we should represent Christ on the outside from his word, but we cannot judge anyone who does not follow his word if we are not following it ourselves.

YAHUSHA HA’MASHIACH (Jesus the Messiah) is coming back for a redeemed church—his bride—that he himself has washed clean and purchased through his sacrifice on the cross. We have to work on the inside and outside to truly reflect his nature and be that glorious bride.

--Akua Yah

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