The "Grace" Ticket: The perversion of God’s grace in the church today, and the counterfeit ticket Satan’s deception is selling.

A nation deceived…that’s what we’ve become. A “Christian” nation that is in dire need of a genuine repentance…that’s what we are. Millions of “Christians” in this country are spiritually dead, still living in bondage to sin, alienated from God and void of His Spirit. Those I am describing are believers no doubt, these believers, however, are simply unaware as to whose message it is that they have accepted. Jesus warns us repeatedly to be on our guard against Satan and his deception being delivered through a false teaching. It is apparent that we haven’t taken His warning seriously!The “grace ticket” message being delivered by our pastors today certainly holds to the Name, but this false teaching spawned by the enemy claims that WE can remove the conditional requirements found in His Word and still expect to receive His promises (including eternal salvation)! The problem is, according to scripture, just believing in the existence of God and His Son does not reconcile us to God and enable us to receive His Spirit. Believing the whole Truth within His message does (including His conditions and our responsibility). Satan’s deception (easy-believism) is, of course, an easy sell…hence the vastly growing number of mega-churches across this country full of lost souls. Rather than holding firmly to the entire Word of God, “Christians” today have placed their faith in man’s word, holding only to those scriptures that support the false teaching that we’ve accepted, and the belief system that we’ve created.So, why is this deception so prevalent in the church today? How does this grace ticket message stand up against the Word of God? What does scripture say about the eternal fate of those who reject the Truth found in His Word and buy the lie? Let's take a look…

--Brian Saylor

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