The Lady's Paladin: A Policeman's Guide for the American Woman and the Western Thinker

The Lady's Paladin: A Policeman's Guide for the American Woman and the

Western _ inker is interlaced with encouraging, helpful information

for women of all ages regarding a number of subjects. Within its

pages, women will see their gender from a heightened perspective, thereby

sensing much greater potential within themselves. In this process, they will

come to better understand men""the fine and decent and, most notably,

those to avoid in any relationship.

Married or single, young or old, the reader will be taken behind the scenes

in police settings and read accounts of tragic incidents, some of which could

have been prevented. DeLaMater skillfully navigates numerous police cases,

providing the reader with helpful insight to better help her avoid potential

pitfalls for herself and loved ones, including potentially harmful relationships.

His vast police experience will keep the reader on the edge of her seat at times

and occasionally bring disgust upon learning of officials who failed society

through their arrogance, incompetence, or impotence. At the same time, he

clearly applauds the dedicated, competent, and hardworking.

Beyond heart-wrenching accounts of tragic events, many in which the author

was personally involved, he effortlessly traverses to romantic stories with a

touch of humor. Unafraid of self-criticism, he is likely to bring delightful

thought and encouragement to the unsuspecting reader. She will surely find

in him a kindred spirit and a true friend as his respect for women is clearly

visible. Humility and deep thought emanate from this read as the author

adeptly mixes things up a bit to stimulate the mind""all to benefit women

in relationships with others, including their children.

Finally, this work ties together one's present status with great future potential

as it introduces a heartwarming destiny for any woman seeking the most

of what life has to offer. Yes, The Lady's Paladin: A Policeman's Guide for

the American Woman and the Western Thinker is based on both logic and a

compilation of facts and evidence. It is truly an eye-opening work unlike

no other.

--John T. DeLaMater

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