Violation of Innocence

Violation of Innocence is a description of many forms and conditions of social injustice that serve as

determents to the realization of life's dreams. Violation of innocence can slow down achievements

in professional and career life of impoverished population and discourage the pursuit of happiness,

as it deprives the population of necessities that may catapult all efforts. Violation of innocence can

happen at many different levels to include family limitations, the negative habits learned from the

community, and society's influence. The first seven chapters addressed some of the details of these

vices mentioned and also social injustices imposed by the government's refusal and inability to

equally distribute resources. The violation of innocence can be considered in the context of how the

environment affects the upbringing of children, the effects of systemized corruption, and the

disadvantages of globalization. The last chapters of the book then look into how many millionaires

(both in the religious, sports, and entertainment industries) have learned from some of the same

harsh conditions and turned them into strength. The violation of innocence may prevent its victims

from achieving a college degree, but many graduates are unemployed in the United States today and

many millionaires in the West do not have a degree.

The violation of innocence leaves the victims with scars of emotional trauma and may cause

psychological damages, but suicide in the United States is the second killer of the population with

ages between ten and thirty-six because of drug use and military returnees (NIMH). Although

violation of innocence may slow down the pace of fulfillment of one's dream, it should not stop

you. Violation of innocence may cause failures at different levels in life, but it creates the need for

the redirection of your power and guarantees the power to succeed.

--Thomas Woahloe

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