Finding JOY in Cancer

Back cover Finding JOY in Cancer chronicles my battle with cancer, spanning approximately one year--from diagnosis to treatment to recovery. Throughout the book, I share plenty of stories, selected quotes, as well as some meaningful Bible verses. At the age of 65 cancer stuck its nose into my life. It was cancer of the throat. Thinking like a lifelong sport coach and coach educator, I created a game plan. For me to survive this fight with throat cancer I needed a positive mindset, with God by my side. I needed Him to help me through this adversity. My focus was on a bit of Scripture from James 1:2-3: "Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance."I was determined to find JOY in this killer, but how? Well, God grabbed my heart and said, "Come along with me, son." So, we fought it. We beat it. And I did find JOY throughout the entire cancer experience. That inspired me to share my story with others. My purpose is to share how God practically carried me through my treatment and recovery. It is hoped that this short book will allow the reader to think about how he or she might find JOY when encountering trials and adversity, even cancer.

--Dennis Docheff, Ed.D.

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