First Black Girl: Black Women Who Opened the Door for Black Girls

As an inspiration to girls of color, First Black Girl highlights sixteen past and present; relentless and radiant; bold and Black women, who trailblazed their way through entertainment, education, sports, science, politics, and art.

Witness historic female figures who knocked and unknowingly opened the door for other Black women behind them. This creative read, parallels and illustrates contemporary women with women of our grandparents’ era like Shirley Chisholm, who opened the door for Vice President Kamala Harris.

First Black Girl encourages readers to strive to be the first ________ as a continuum to push boundaries and create groundbreaking history.

With the support of trailblazers before her, Dr. Loretta Johnson-Smith is the first in her family to earn a doctoral degree. Dr. Loretta Johnson-Smith is a proud native of Los Angeles, where she matriculated to the University of California, Los Angeles, and received her BA in English with an emphasis in Creative Writing. She then earned her MA in Curriculum and Instruction and later her Doctorate in Educational Leadership—all by thirty years old.

Dr. Loretta Johnson-Smith teaches, mentors, and writes as encouragement to little ones like her young daughters, Emaree and Elivia. She is a wife, mother, inspirational speaker, and educational leader, passionate about cultivating children and youths’ potential into success stories.

--Dr. Loretta Johnson-Smith

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