The A.N.G.E.L. Plan: A New Godly Eating Lifestyle

The A.N.G.E.L. Plan is a revolutionary plan that worked fabulously for the author who lost and has kept off eighty pounds and has had her thyroid completely healed after twenty-five years of thyroid disease. She feels that God inspired her and pushed her to write and finish this book to help others find freedom from the dance with diet and the struggle to freedom for all with eating disorders.This plan will lead to your freedom from eating disorders and start healing your thyroid, as well as many other known health benefits. A New Godly Eating Lifestyle(c) focuses on intermittent fasting combined with water and prayer, your sixty devotions, which includes scripture, commentary, and prayer for each different devotions, and sixty affirmations to teach you to think and speak well of yourself. You'll find a whole new way of living!

--Rosemary Ryan-Delp

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