The Cleft of the Rock

Doug knew three women who were killed due to domestic violence. After the third death, the light came on inside Doug's head. That is too many ladies in the small state of North Dakota with a population of seven hundred thousand. After some soul-searching, Doug got a new Bible and a pink highlighter and highlighted 235 passages of scripture of violence toward men, women, or children. Next, Doug wrote to all his national senators, and all of them encouraged him to go through the church and see if Doug could help get this problem going in the right direction.

Doug also phoned many churches from all denominations and had all but two encourage him to write poems on this situation. Doug also felt led at that time to write poems about Mother's Day and Father's Day. The poems went to eight churches in his hometown. After Father's Day, Father Dale from the Catholic Church asked Doug personally to write these poems. Father Dale prayed over them and blessed them. Doug went to his church and had them consecrated before God. The Cleft of the Rock is his first book and hopes to have sequels to follow.

--Doug Strutz

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