The Valley on the Mountain

How could there possibly be a valley on top of a mountain? Unless of course the whole mountain blows up and caves in upon itself, thus leaving a huge crater. In a natural or in a spiritual setting, a valley is depicted as a low place. It can be a place of tranquility and restoration. On the opposite end is the mountaintop experience, one of joy, peace, and exuberance, a feeling of being on top of the world.Both are experienced in this story where the writer is cast into a place of exile via a plane crash that not only separates him from those he loves, but he also receives a head wound that disorients him. He hallucinates and forgets things in general while also losing his identity and experiencing loneliness and despair to the utmost degree.While searching not only to try to know who he really is, but he also has a longing to know God more intimately. He is living the life in the Alaskan wilderness that he has always longed for, that mountaintop experience, but at the same time living in the turmoil of life in the valley. His quest causes him to experience God on a level unknown to him in his previous life. This is a story that portrays Christian life in a full spectrum of events.

--Clinton Terwilliger

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