Some of our recent titles
  • The Seed Is in You

    "The Seed is in you" is a collection of poems to help you stay encouraged and rise to the next level in life. Life happens and things can get difficult. It can be hard to navigate through the tough times. This book of poems has a unique style. You will see a double meaning in everyone. Look twice you may just be missing something.Our minds can be trained to think a different more positive thought...

  • The Ministry of The Wise

    Life is an adventure in which humankind explores its ministerial mission under natural instincts with a desire for outstanding accomplishments. However, human experiences from age to age, incorporated with scientific discoveries, are in consensus that life has more questions than answers it can provide. Every stage of life has developmental difficulties confronting man, woman, boy, or girl, which ...

  • Poems of the Heart

    I personally believe that God desires for all of us to walk with Him in the garden that He designed before us, as Adam did in the day where he can come before God and enjoy the presence of the Lord. Even in the cool of the day where Adam spent time with the Lord face-to-face, there was a thorn among this beautiful garden. We all know that this thorn as the tree where God told them not eat of it. A...

  • The Heart Of A Lion

    The Heart of a Lion is about helping you find your purpose and how you can live your best life by putting your faith, trust, and love in the Lord. When facing your biggest fear, God can always lead you the way to having a heart that is courageous as a lion. No matter the lifestyle, no matter the issues, no matter the struggles, and no matter the rebellion that all of us are living with, God is big...

  • Victory in the Valley

    There are many fine books dealing with how to handle grief in the death of someone we love. Here, I wanted to go a step further and discuss those questions pastors receive from their members on subjects like where is my loved one right now, will we know each other in heaven, how we can be happy in heaven if someone we love is not there, etc. As a Christian pastor for sixty-two years, I have wrestl...

  • AWAKE!

    When Lucifer's long-laid plans come to fruition in the twenty-first century, will the archangel Michael be ready?The archangel Michael and the fallen archangel Lucifer come face-to-face for perhaps their final battle when Lucifer directly confronts Michael in Detroit in AD 2023. Unknown to Michael is that Lucifer harbors an advantage that gives him power beyond his norm. What Michael knows all too...

  • Your Exodus Is At Hand

    Your Exodus Is at HandTruly, Your Exodus is At Hand! I am here to tell you in this book that you shouldn't give up hope of being free from bondage. God didn't create anyone to be bound by anything or anybody. With Him all things are absolutely possible! So be encouraged with the message of the theme of my lived-out journey with the summary of the Bible story of the Israelites' exodus out of Egypt ...

  • Real-Life Christian Motherhood

    Have you ever thought, I am a bad mom, or I hate motherhood? Do you ever feel discouraged by how unappreciated you feel as a mother, despite how hard you work to care for your family? As Christian mothers, we believe in God's love, grace, and forgiveness toward us, but when it comes to raising our kids, we oftentimes find ourselves weighed down by guilt, shame, and discouragement. It's almost as i...

  • The Ocean Trail

    "YOU MUST FIND WHERE THE SUN IS SWALLOWED BY WATER."Rosie, a runaway sheepdog, receives these instructions in a dream. But instead of a guiding light, they're a constant shadow and reminder of how broken she is. She can never carry out such a mission. Her family is dead. Her heart has been shattered. She doesn't know who she is.When two dogs she trusts betray her confidence, her bitterness grows. ...

  • Tales of the Oldies

    Parables are the common ways our Savior, Jesus Christ, taught during His time on Earth. Speaking in parables was also a traditional method of teaching children within some old societies, especially among the one where I have grown up. And I write this book while raising my child, Samuel. My experiences of raising Samuel taught me many things about the love God has for each one of us as his creatio...

  • The Value of Process

    I have taken you through a twenty-year journey. My prayer is that while you read the pages of the book, may the Lord speak to your heart and may you meditate on the Word....

  • Father of Christmas

    The story of Jesus's birth has been told many ways over the centuries. Love, calm, peace, and joy are all words to describe this most holy season. But what of awe, wonder, and the powerful love of God and family? And what about Joseph? Was his role simply a bystander leading Mary to the stable...or was it greater?

    What if Joseph told the story of Christmas from his point of view?