Some of our recent titles
  • The Apple Gang and the Golden Medallion

    The Apple Gang has discovered another mystery to solve. They had worked long and hard to raise money to build a treehouse among the trees they named the Three Sisters. Their parents contributed matching funds and built a treehouse for them. While cleaning the grounds, Sean found a medallion made of gold encrusted with pearls and red, green, and diamond-like crystals.Why was it here in the middle o...

  • A Beautiful Day for a Walk with the Lord

    Praise to God. I believe this book was inspired by the Holy Spirit. It is appropriate for all ages. Every day we choose to walk with our Lord is a beautiful day. When we are blessed with good, pure, healthy feelings, and a strong sense of well-being, we are walking with the Lord. This is a story of one of those days. So sit back, relax, and enjoy this spirit-led journey. Know that God, Jesus, and ...

  • Where's Ralph?

    There's a missing hamster in the house! This unique story about a beloved hamster and his new family was inspired by a true event.Ralph is a golden teddy bear hamster--a Christmas wish come true for two young siblings. But one evening, the adventurous little creature escapes from his cage. The children look everywhere for their adorable furry pet. After an extensive search, it seems that Ralph may...

  • There are Two Spiritual Rivers to Cross

    Catheryne Wood is an author, teacher, and artist.The world is being flooded with a satanic attack from the enemy. This timeless book will help strengthen and encourage the loving people of God who are seeking Him....

  • I Tied My Shoes

    Let's tie this up!

    Join Bear, a spirited boy, on a heartwarming adventure to master shoe-tying with his supportive siblings. Through perseverance and sibling magic, Bear triumphs over shoelaces, showing that tough tasks can be conquered with his family's help. This tale reminds us that learning is sweeter when shared with loved ones.


  • Prayers and Pieces

    This book reflects a prayer, then the piece of life that prompted the prayer. Growing up within a church, cleaning it, loving it, and running from it, funny moments and reflections of Christ happened daily. The prayers are simple conversations and requested prayers as an elder that encompassed a variety of reasons. The pieces are the grit and reflections of happenings within it. Hearing many lofty...

  • The Great Tribulation

    In the great tribulation, who shall be able to stand when the distress, the grievous times, and persecutions shall come? The Bible calls those times the great tribulations: "For then shall be great tribulation such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be" (Matthew 24:21).

    John saw mountains and islands moving out of their places and people r...

  • Living by Faith Is Living in Miracles

    This book is about living by faith in this secular world as if everything is a miracle. The content is based on the author's own life experiences as well as those of others reported in the news. The objective is to show the importance of living by faith in everyday life....

  • Leaves of Grass Revisted, Short Stories, and Reflections in Poetry

    Leaves of Grass Revisited is about one boy's journey through the American Civil War. It suggests that the past is not the past, and the future is not necessarily linear. It is a book of possibility and hope, very much needed in today's climate of strife and change. The poetry in Reflections mirror a long life of dreams and sorrows....

  • Blare

    She stared at his face, wishing for a sign but expecting nothing less than that blank stare. A terrible feeling welled up inside her. He had said her name; somehow he knew her, and he asked her for help. His words echoed in her mind— broken. What was broken?

    Genesis had spent her whole life exploring, but she had never come across anyone like Blare. Through some mysterious circumstance, h...

  • Lord, Teach Me

    Many of us want to do what the scripture says but are not sure how to. This devotional book will teach us to ask God for guidance based on the verse of the day. Acknowledge that without the help of the Holy Spirit, it won't be done. The goal of this devotional is to provide a verse for meditation and prayer each day to build faith, relationship, and hopefully curiosity to read more of God's word....

  • Adventures of Rose and Auden

    Come along with Rose, who is an adventurous and determined girl, and her amazing best friend, Auden, as they explore the bright big world. In this journey, they will embark on a quest to find the perfect private island. They will dive under the surface to find creatures below, use nature to create the perfect setting, and enjoy the big outdoors. Rose and Auden are always up to something exciting, ...